Linaset uses subsidies to educate its employees

Linaset supports the vocational training of its employees. For this purpose, the company uses subsidy programs listed by the Labour Office. Over the last three years, it has focused on the subsidy scheme of Project CZ.1.04 / 1.1.00 / C3.00001 Support for Vocational Training for Employees -POVEZ and the Project Program CZ.03.1.52 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 15_021 / 0000053 Support for Vocational Training for Employees II - POVEZ II. Total contributions to vocational training and wages of trained workers in 2015 were: CZK 171,844, in 2016: CZK 161,928, in 2017 and 2018: CZK 77,550. Contributions for vocational training were 85% covered  from the European Social Fund and 15% from the state budget of the Czech Republic within the framework of the Operational Program Employment (OPZ). Subsidy programs, which are mainly used to train IT staff, are very expensive due to their high level of expertise involved. Linaset will continue to use and benefit from subsidies because educated employees help to guarantee the competitiveness of the whole company.

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